Jason Bass launched his JB Classics sneaker line in 2001. His range constantly challenges the status quo in the aesthetics sneakers and his approach connects with a global youth audience in a way that can only be compared to a cult following. Here is how he does it.
Tell me about JB Classics, JB.
JB: JB CLASSICS is a design driven collectable footwear label founded
in late 2001 with “No Money Down”. The entire vision of the brand is
embedded within mashed up extended relationships & struggles to
conquer daily since before day one, which surrounds me with Blue Collar
Knowledge that is priceless and continues to flow new energy into the
brand. The entire process from designing to developing to selling to
manufacturing to product shots to prototyping to setting up import
documents to dealing with customs brokers to organizing L/C ‘s to
managing the web has all been channeled back into the visual diagram
that makes up the brand today - since for the most part I’ve been
handling everything like a One-Man-Band and the energy’s need outlets.
Aren’t there enough sneaker brands/styles out there already?
Sure covering the mediocre market, with very little inspiration or
highlights or truth. Don’t get me started on how the Corporate giants
exploit from smaller brand ideals and there cultural markets connected
to reach specific under-bellys although it can be played both ways to
achieve global exposure over night "IF" the hand is played right and
you don’t mind being in the belly of the beast for a Dollar….
It’s extremely important to continue to bring new truly Urban youth
submerged brands & products to the market which extend across a
full range of consumers. In as many variants & variables /
collectives as possible without HESITATION. Don’t get me wrong: there
should me a minimal plan of attack with core targets and a full well
oiled range of technical abilities(!!) but my VERY simple innocent
thoughts, going into the initial leak of the first JB product was a
QUICK but SLOW equation with very little risk and extreme speed to
market. Leading to a few solid years of seeing an ideal mature
naturally solely based on creativity and sleepless grass roots 101
hustling ie. The Modern coined phrase of "Guerilla Marketing / Organic
Branding" if you will. I think “ The Tipping Point” book references
this concept- not that I’ve ever read it before……!

So tell me about the consumers that see your sneakers as different?
JB: I definitely have been labeled as a New / Different / Black
Sheep / Threat, if you will, amongst the playing field of Footwear
brands. Most of our consumers are either interested in the graphic
stories applied to the sneakers or inspirational edgy color palettes
pushed out by submerging myself in the TERTIARY world of colors,
playing sometimes with PRIMARY & SECONDARY combinations on
materials as well. But overall JB CLASSICS has always challenged the
average DETAILS thought of when creating a packaged pair of sneakers as
well at the overall Sales Strategy.
What consumer / cultural trends are affecting your business / the market?
JB: For the most part the increasing amount of niche boutiques
popping up across the globe has sped things up. As well as the insane
increase in the collectible goods markets which grows deep into the
global MTV Hollywood world.
Why does a guy who may wear a pair of Chucks or Dunks one day, wear a pair of JB Classics worth several hundred dollars the next?
A Basic sense of independence, if you will, or enough sense to realize
that what they are collecting / buying is a piece of history. We do not
re-release styles or play games to make a BUCK and shift units, we’d
rather grow outward across the global markets by brand extensions like
the New BULLY collectible vinyl toy series we just launched or various
outwear & accessories thoughts soon to come. In the very near
future JB CLASSICS will be launching mutable collections to reach
larger numbers as well as stay positive and accurate to the Nuclei of
the Niche cultural. When this formula is reversed is when things can
get sticky or Brands tend to “Play Them Selves” if their thoughts are
calculated with obvious CASH DRIVEN PLANS.
JB Classics has become a well respected ‘niche’ brand in a very
competitive market in a short amount of time. What’s your secret to
successful brand building?
JB: “ The Green Party Concept ” – Bottom line is Build a brand that
has possibilities for growth extensions. Basically, never being
concerned with chasing the market. Here’s a secret: “If you build it,
they will come.” Interesting enough, over the last 5 years I’ve taking
very clean articulated notes on reaction experiments within JB
CLASSICS, and have built solid trustworthy relationships with those
I’ve worked with over a period of time. So there are no secrets other
than Stay Clean of Bullshitters and watch your back for Coat Tail
Riders. Also, if someone burns you , firstly let them know , then
never, ever work with them again. Oh, another secret: IF IT SMELLS
your HESITATION to market increase your speed and minimize your
overhead. A good identity theory to consider from the 1998 movie "Enemy
Of the State" reads : "If you’re small and mobile the larger giants
cannot trace your movement or whereabouts and the threat is born."
How does limited edition lines contribute to this success? And ‘mash-ups’ - important? Why?
JB: The Limited edition idea is simply a LABEL that has been put on
us as an afterthought due to our independently Small / Cobbler
operation. We simply produce a number of sneakers that we are capable
of handling in-house and at the moment, yes the numbers are small &
have a natural Collectible feel so we decided to add the hand numbered
Certificate Of Ownership within each box as an additional gesture, as
every Modern Cobbler would.
And ‘mash-ups’ - important?
JB. The Mash-Ups are to us, a Puff Daddy / P.Diddy tribute if you
will, approach to classics models we’ve respected, admired and worn in
the past. Not to mention, we understand that even the Giant Footwear
Corporations get their remix/mash-ups on amongst themselves! The
importance is slowly losing interest to us as we mature into a deeper
Full On Conceptual Development World.
I’ve been told that you don’t monitor trends nor do much research before you develop new products. To some of IF’s audience that could be a little shocking - and something they couldn’t get away with in their corporations. How do you ensure that your product is going to meet your audience’s wants/desires?
This is CORRECT, For the most part our inspirations come from looking
outside the box or circle with a ONE EYE on the ground & the other
very very close to the EDGE, I would never suggest that this is not
risky approach but how the hell can you except to create a difference
by chasing the tails of the inner cells of trends? It’s just command
sense to extend yourself deeper into the cultural of whatever your
researching if you are unable to be embedded or are an outsider. For us
the bottom line is WE ARE WHAT WE CREATE.

I read that you’d like to see your products sold in footlocker. (a) Do you think that could damage the credibility behind the brand? (b) How does a brand that eschews big advertising expect to compete in a mainstream store?
JB: Yes, Footlocker, FinishLine, you’ve quoted me from FOOTWEAR NEWS
MAGAZINE but missed the key point. DETAILS: I would be extremely
interested in creating new visual solutions in showcasing collectible
footwear to a mass audience. By creating small geographically placed
soft shop displays, utilizing ( ie. lighting, form, materials, themes,
limited editions etc.) within there traditional interiors. In terms of
CREDIBILITY, as long as the culture is respected and presented in its
unique true form, everyone wins. To the mass consumers, they become
exposed to more options, to the stores they become more connected to
the driven creative youth of today (a Big Market). And to the
indie-brands like us: our thoughts become global ideals.
How do you go about marketing your shoes?
Introducing the Myth of the, "NoMoneyDown" marketing strategy. This
interview is a PERFECT example ( The Cost is Zero = Tons of Exposure x
800 different types of outlet mediums = Brand Awareness!!!!!!!). The
bottom line is we create credible interest rather than pay for it. How:
If you create, manage and nurture substance it will always over power
hype. With respects to all, the Hype Hop market is to us an out of
control kiss of death cut & paste world with very little longevity.
So we continue to claw, fly, swim, chat, dig are way around hype
dropping solid soft mini little bread crums of substance in all the
How do you use ‘digital media’ to engage with the audience beyond a website?
JB: Truly – Digital Media has played a VERY key role. Since day-one
from our Web portal you can stream/download JB videos or we Burn &
Mail DVD copies out, that give our audience an embedded reality of how
we operate. Whether it be a 3 minute clip set to music from our JB
Development Lab overseas or a 90 second collaboration clip of the Art
exhibition / Sneaker release. Tthe impact is a billion-fold to any
other marketing effort and can be felt on a global level. Which leads
me to a premeditated thought: before launching JB CLASSICS , Shaun
Roberts & I casually formed TRIPLEWIDE COLLECTIVE.
Both of us, Shaun being more of the Video Genius have handled many one
on one client projects from Live Projections gigs to, Video
installations to Motion Graphics, as well as full on DVD Documentaries
& replications services. And like I said in the early questions,
the more mediums, the more momentum, the more mysterious your market
attach can be as a company. The Word “TENACLES” comes to mind.
By: PSFK.com
JB Classics cool shoes
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Good for people to know.
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